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Need for cognitive consonance

Belief bias

“If it corresponds to my knowledge and beliefs, it must be true.”

Choice supportive bias

“I exaggerate the benefits of an option after choosing it.”

Echo chamber

“Everyone seems to agree with me, so I must be right.”

Effort justification bias

“I evaluate an outcome relative to the amount of effort it took to achieve it.”

Escalation of commitment bias

“I keep going in the wrong direction despite increasingly negative results.”

Hindsight bias

“I knew it was going to happen all along. "

Intentionality Bias

"When someone does something, like cut me off in traffic, I assume they did it on purpose."

Just-world hypothesis

“You reap what you sow.”

Moral self-licensing

"After doing a good deed, I can afford a socially undesirable deed."

Self-fulfilling prophecy

“What I predict comes true.”

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